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If a close relative dies as a result of an accident, you may be entitled to a monetary award. The Damages (Scotland) Act 2011 was introduced to clarify the types of award and who can claim when a loved one dies. The Act allows for the ‘immediate family’ to…
The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) was established in 2015, as a Statutory Inquiry to look into the scale of Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales, and to make recommendations for the future. IICSA is currently chaired by Professor Alexis Jay OBE. IICSA has a number…
Are there time limits on my personal injury claim? “Are there time limits on my personal injury claim?” is perhaps the question our personal injury lawyers are most asked by new clients. In Scotland, the general rule for personal injury actions is that they must be either settled extrajudicially or…
Your Wages – Advice by phone, Facetime & Zoom If your employer doesn’t pay you what you are owed, this is a breach of contract. However, you always should try and sort the matter out with them informally before bringing a case. But always do so in writing, for example…
We find ourselves living in unprecedented times. The restrictions placed upon travel and social gatherings have impacted us all greatly. One positive from the pandemic has been the increased popularity in video-conference facilities. Indeed, at Livingstone Brown our practice area unit has been able to meet up using Microsoft…
Legal Rights What is a “Will”? A Will is a legally binding document that everyone should have. This a document that expresses your wishes of what should happen to your property when you die. No one likes to think of when they will die, but the reality is if…
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