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250 W George St, Glasgow
G2 4QY


A formidable legal team, your trusted partner

For more than a decade, family lawyers in Scotland have been on their guard to make clients coming out of a long-term relationship aware of the need to move fast.

Since joining with Will Aid our firm has raised a grand total of £13,344, which can be used to carry out 494 cataract surgeries, at a cost of just £27 each. The participation of our clients will have helped save or restore the sight of 494 people, and we would…

 Inquiries are promised into those who have died of Coronavirus through their work or in care homes. Livingstone Brown Director Stuart Munro is a member of a Law Society of Scotland working party which is looking at measures to restart the justice system.

Any sudden or unexpected death is an individual tragedy, leaving a terrible mark on those left behind.  That’s particularly so where there is concern about the cause of death.  Families can be caught between wanting to grieve and wanting answers.  Investigations by the authorities can be welcome, but nonetheless highly…

As a team our private client solicitors have learnt to quickly  adapt and develop our communication skills with our clients in order to help support and meet our clients’ needs in these difficult times.  We are able to  to adjust our services to work in a way most suited to…

It is estimated that more than 100 medical and care workers in the UK have died from Coronavirus since the outbreak – and the shortages of the usual personal protective equipment (PPE) for those treating infected patients is no secret. Families who have lost loved ones working in these front-line…

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